2024 Practice Enhancement Through Clinically Correct Coding Sessions – Ambulatory Core (8 Sessions)
Total CME: Ambulatory Core Track 4.0 Prescribed AAFP/AMA PRA Cat I CME credits
8 SESSIONS (each 0.5h)
Session #3:
The Basic Evaluation and Management Guidelines for the Office Setting
- Apply time-based coding in the ambulatory office practice setting
- Define the Medical Decision-Making components and correctly apply them clinically
- Understand how to use prolonged services
Session #8:
Care Management in Primary Care: Performing Transitional Care Management to Manage the Hospital
to Home Journey
- State the importance of care coordination and understand how to transition patients fromhospital to home, from home to office, and then office to home
- Differentiate between the two Transitional Care Management codes and know when to bill each
- Know processes needed to successfully implement this in your practice
Session #12:
Performing the Medicare Wellness Visits in Primary Care
- Define the three types of Medicare Wellness Visits
- Know how to correctly perform, document, and bill for each of these services
- Understand how to correctly apply chronic disease care delivery in the context of the Medicare Wellness Visit with the addition of the -25 modifier
Session #13:
Understanding Preventive Services in Medicare
- Define how to find the central source of updated information on Medicare Preventive Services, codes, co-insurance, and coverage intervals
- Describe the covered services offered through Medicare in breast, colon, and lung cancer screening
- Discuss the preventive services offered through Medicare related to intensive behavioral therapy
Session #17:
Advance Care Planning: Helping Our Patients Transition
- State why physicians should engage their patients in discussions relating to end-of-life care
- Know the specific documents used for end-of-life decision making in health care
- Be able to perform, document, and correctly bill for Advance Care Planning services
Session #20:
Defining Hierarchical Condition Categories (HCCs) in Primary Care
- Be able to define optimal clinical documentation, redocumentation, and “risk” scores
- Know clinical conditions that are a focus of opportunity to optimize HCCs
- Be able to show the economics associated with excellence in this area
Session #21:
Clinical Applications of Key HCCs in Primary Care
- Understand the details associated with HCC code capture with cancer diagnoses
- Understand the details associated with HCC code capture with diabetes and obesity
- Understand the details associated with HCC code capture with chronic kidney disease
- Understand the details associated with HCC code capture with neurologic (stroke) syndromes
Session #30:
Population Health Management: It’s more than just seeing patients
- Define “Population Health Management”
- Understand key data points needed to succeed in population health management
- Restate strategies needed to keep aligned with this aspect of medicine
Total Prescribed AAFP/AMA PRA Cat I CME: 4.0